I work at the intersection of deep learning and probabilistic machine learning. I am studying the use of curvature-based Bayesian uncertainty to functionally enhance the training of neural networks. I'm based at the group of Philipp Hennig.
The currently prevailing practice is to evaluate network performance solely by the attained final validation loss/accuracy. By acknowledging the probabilistic nature of the problem, constructing and leveraging uncertainty, I aim to generalise training to realistic and practically relevant settings like continual learning. This requires algorithmic advances to enhance efficiency through matrix-free, compressed, iterative linear algebra, but also the establishment of new design patterns in deep learning, like Kalman filtering on the weight-space.
Before my PhD, I was working in the field of causality, mainly exploring how to solve causal representation learning where the sources generate observations via a nonlinear transformation. During my education, I was studying various topics in computational neuroscience such as Brain Computer Interfaces, constructing 3D brain atlas and neuron simulation.